Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

By using non-manipulative SEO ranking tactics, a balance of Technical, On-Page and Off-Page best practices to earn and maintain high SERP rankings, I am able to achieve lots of high-quality user traffic for my clients.

SEO South West France

I use SEO to help search engines to understand your website. The overall objective is to increase organic traffic from search engines improving your websites position on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS) based on various search terms.

To satisfy various search engine ranking factors there are many rules that need to be taken into consideration. I will break this down into the three most important SEO types, being Technical, On-Page and Off-Page.

Technical SEO

There are certain Technical SEO parameters that need to be met to ensure that your website can be crawled and indexed by search engines. To meet these parameters I use SEO friendly web design, optimised site and URL structure. I also create an XML Sitemap to let search engines know you are there, register your website with Google and submit the sitemap.

The use of clean validated code is extremely important and errors can have a negative impact on SEO. You can check your websites code using the free W3C Validation Service.

The websites I build are all built using clean validated code.

On-Page SEO

On Page SEO concerns the page content. The correct use of Page Titles, Heading Tags and the quality of the content and use of SEO Keywords is very important. There are also the bits that you do not see but search engine crawlers do and these include Meta Tags and Alt Tags, also very important and this is why my websites include On-Page SEO.

Off-Page SEO

When your new website is live you need to promote it, encourage people to visit your SEO responsive website on social media. Link building is also important, SEO backlinks from reputable websites act as a vote of trust and will help your websites ranking.

Promoting your website on social media is something you can do yourself, or if you prefer I can help you with advertising on social media, I can also help with content creation including imagery and motion graphics that will get you noticed!